Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What's Hardcore...Makin 50 Cent look Like Limp Bizkit

Sooo....Im a K'naan Fan now....and want to share my love with you...What's Hardcore is a Crazy track...Kicked and Pushed is a Lupe remix...and if Rap Gets Jealous is _____ . Yea thats a blank cuz I cant find the words to describe the track...and decided not to do it injustice with some lil word that just happens to be a part of my vocabulary but doesn't describe it....Yeaaa...CHECK EM OUT:


N8-Space said...

Very nice indeed. K'naan. I've never heard him flow but i saw his name in an article recently, so I thank you for exposing me to his style. It's very nice and refreshing to hear nowadays.


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