Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mcrib > Burger King Ribs?

Despite being strongly discouraged from eating the McRib I broke down today. My family told me to go pick up some Mcdonalds for them and since I was there....I said why not. What did I think of the McRib?

Grade: D

The main reason I wanted to taste the mcrib is I remember tasting one in high school and thinking, this tastes just like the school lunch rib sandwiches, COOL. Today, my response was not the same though. It was, this tastes just like the school lunch rib sandwiches, hmmm...that's probably not a good thing o_O

Who makes better ribs, Mcdonalds or Burger King?
In case you never had the BK Ribs, here is a picture of what they look like in real life.

If you want something that tastes more like ribs, I say go with the BK Ribs. The McRib doesn't really taste like a all. If you want something that tastes the best out of the two. I say go with the McRib though. Although it doesn't taste like a rib, I could definitely crush one on a hungry day. For those of you that made it to the end of this post...thank you for joining me on this journey. Stay tuned for more food reviews!


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